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~Friday and Earth Day Love~

Happy Friday my dearies!
Today I am homebound re-couping from a surgery to remove another bad mole from my back (more on this in another post another day!)

All that matters is that I am happy, healthy,
 and more aware of taking care of my body than ever!

Everything happens for a reason.

So with my s.p.f. always on hand and a fun floppy hat for spring/summer I wanted to wish you all a
Happy Earth Day!
What I am doing to do my part on Earth Day:

~Not driving at all~
~Keeping the lights down and instead going outside~
~Recycling (ok I do this everyday)~
~Donating items not using instead of throwing anything out~
~Repurposing some old decor pieces into new ones~

What about you?

Also, what are your plans this EASTER weekend?

Just in case you missed anything:

AND on the wedding blog:

Oooh and one last thing . . .

is . . .

Congrats and I hope everyone has a fantabulous Earth Day AND Easter weekend!!!

~Tamara Nicole~