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~Good Lil' Wifey~

Happy Monday!

I hope everyone had an amazing Easter weekend with family and friends galore:-)
We had a great weekend, will post pics soon!

I really wanted to start this week off with a small goal . . .
and I wanted to write it on my blog so that you all can hold me accountable
(love having all my blog friends!)

In life lately I've been a tid bit of a mess as of late . . . kind of organized choas.

Starting my wedding planning (sooo fun p.s.)
Blogging (for 2 blogs)

The list goes on.

With everything going on I am trying so hard to balance my life, but it's hard being spread so thin and being a perfectionist at the same time.

Andy and I have been married almost 3 years, and I have never been more in love than I am with this man right now.
My husband is the best (sorry guys! I win!)
Lol no but really he is amazing.

Sometimes I feel bad because I know he's there for me, and I get so passionate and excited about all these things going on in life that I (without meaning to) push him back to the back burner.

Bad wifey!
We still do everything together, have date nights, do sweet things for each other, etc. I just feel like instead of focusing on him and our relationship, I've been focusing on a whoel lot of 
me. me. me.
I think after some time people just get too comfortable and in routines. 
Time to break that because I do not want to be one of those couples.
Happens to easily to relationships.

This week my goal is to do something small and unexpected for him each day.
Random Acts of Wifey Kindness


We each have our un-officially assigned jobs around the house.
Mine: dishes, laundry, weeding the yard and gardening, etc
Andy's: waking up and taking the dogs out, feeding them, garbage and mowing the lawn, etc.

Although we have our jobs, we do help each other out and do most things together.
One thing that I reallllllly love that Andy does is wake up and take the dogs out.  I am not a horrible morning person, but I do not wake up singing like my hubby. Silly man.
I am so very grateful that he does this, but I know he gets tired of being the mommy to our 3 dogs sometimes.
Last night our little Lu Lu kept jumping off her bed . . . and that means 1 or 2 things:
throw up or pee on the carpet if we don't get her.
Instead of waiting for Andy to grab her, I took her outside a few times (they are still getting over an icky flu from last week) and let the man sleep.
Yes it's a small thing and may sound dumb to you all, but it's the little things right? :-)
(and he thanked me)

(I think it would be different if I was at home and he was working, then it'd be my responsibility.)

Other RAOWK ideas for the week:
*Wake up early and make him breakfast AND pack a nice lunch*
*Massage time (feet too!)*
*Play a game on the Xbox with him (not my fave but he loves it once in a while!)*
*Surprise date night out for some yummy food*
*Random sweet messages in his car, text, voicemail, card at work*
*Make his fave dinner without him expecting it*

Hmmm will have to think of more, 1 RAOWK a day for at least a week.
Hopefully it turns into a habit.
And I get over my selfish ways (eeek!)

I used to do more sweet random things when we were dating and just married . . . why have I let that trail off?
"Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end."
~Scott Adams

What are some sweet RAOWK's that you have done for your hubby/bf?
I'd lovee some cute stories!