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~Making Awesome-spice Lemonade from our Lemons~

Yup we have alllll heard this adage before.

Maybe at times have wanted to ignore it and focus on the sour-ness

Or have used it to turn a situation into a
 new adventure!
This last weekend we were thrown a whole bunch of lemons.

for all my blog friends who know me . . .
you know that:

1) We LOVE to travel
2) I like to plan
3) We are trying to travel as much as possible before we have beeebies!

The Lemons:
We have been planning our vacations since last year
(redeeming miles we need to book a year in advance!).
We have one in June and one in November.
My hubby was checking the Royal Carribean website . . .
it had our June trip . . .
and. that. was. it!
Where the h.e.-double-hockey-sticks did our 2nd trip go?!
So he calls.
They cancelled it.
Sweet arse!

So we are freaking out because we have a flight to Milan, Italy, and 10 days later going home from Barcelona, Spain, but no cruise . . .  so what the heck do we do, we can't cancel our flights b/c we will then have to pay an arm and a leg, and we are cheap travelers.
mmmm mmm nope.
There are no other cruises fitting our criteria.

Our Awesome-spice Lemonade:
We are going to keep the flight to Milan, and just change the last one to go from Rome.
Train pass: cheap!
So we are going to travel Italy on our own!

We get to experience the local night life
See all we want to see
Not be stuck with a bunch of 70 year olds
(sorry but true on cruises in Europe!)
I'm soooo pumped.
So thank you my marvelous hubby for the new plans and not cancelling our trip!

(Ok so I may be overly dramatic, but that's why you love me right?  AND if you were here during this fiasco you'd understand.  Don't mess with our vaca's . . . we only have a few before we give up travels for kiddos!)

K thanks for reading my rant.

And enjoy your lemonade today chicas!!!