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~Sweet Spring Swap!~

Ohhhh yeah!
What an exciting thing it is to open your mailbox and find a sweet gift?!
(the perfect pick me up from our 3 westies being sick lately . . . canine influenza SUCKS! The past few days has been non-stop vomiting and vet visit with blood work and feeling like a baaaad mommy for not letting them eat for 24 hours while they get better. Sorry loves! Kinda not feeling the dog park trips anymore!)

Anywho on to the fun!

Co hosted by my girl MJ over at Teaching in Heels

What I sent to my girl MJ:

 *Yellow Striped Tube Top from Pac Sun*
*Coral Rings and hair clips*
*Pink Striped Straws*
*Chocolate Cake Pops*
*Travel Cards from Moi!*
What the lovely MJ sent my way:

She totally nailed the girlie pink love as well as dark chocolate!
And how stinkin' cute will I be with my cupcake band-aids?!

Thanks MJ . . . you are amazing:-)

So for those other fabulous ladies that have participated make sure to share your goodies and let me know!

Jealous of the swap?
It's ok . . . we're going to do another one for Summer Lovin'!

Enjoy your Thursday . . . and only one more day til Friday!!!