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And . . . RAIN

Spring Rain
Originally uploaded by memory bean designs

So we've had extremely warm weather for Seattle lately (like 60 woo hoo!) and super sunny.

Yeah this morning we had rain! Ok and I'm alright with this, it's Seattle anyway and that's why it's
out here and gorgeous, I can't complain:-)

1. {dare to dream - explored], 2. *s.p.l.a.s.h.i.n.g*, 3. Rain puddle..., 4. .singin'., 5. Day 353/365--Happy (Rainy Day) Bench Monday!!, 6. You Contain Me, 7. Perfumery, 8. Colors of Heaven !!, 9. "Lluvia de Arcoiris", 10. red drops, 11. Rain Boots!, 12. ~ Double Decker ~, 13. october child. libra sun. autumn lover. ♥s rain.14. Not available15. Not available16. Not available

Using our weather as inspiration . . . I found these lovely rain photos. I totally want to go buy some cute rainboots and an adorable girly umbrella!
ACTUALLY I've been searching high and low for red/white polka dot rain boots, sooo sad they're all sold out EVERYWHERE.

And I'm all about my red/white polka dots, how sad :-(

So votes please!!! Which of the following do you think I should get?

Enjoy your Wednesday!!!