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~Weekend Fun Extravaganza~

That's all I gotta say.
What a fun, eventful, SUNNY weekend!

This post will be full of photos galore!!!

***More substinence later this week lol***

*Went to this new restaurant in Bellevue called
with the hubby for our date night!

We arrived with the door opened to us (aww), and a complimentary glass of champagne (yum yum!) while we waited for a table for about 10 mins
(not bad)
I order spicy chicken tacos and a margarita
Andy ordered a club sandwhich and a beer
Food: decent but over-priced like many places here in Bellevue.
Service: Great, they kept checking in on us every couple minutes. Bonus points for complimenting me on my hair:-)
I felt kinda like we were in a club?! The waitresses all had on short skirts and boob white tops. 
Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those "hater" girls
If you got it flaunt it right? ;-)
Just don't flirt with my hubby the whole time and not even look at me, k?  Just saying:-) ha ha

Overall we had a great date night. Love it.
*Gym- ran another 3 miles holler!
*Went with the fam (hubby, 2 dogs) to one of our favorite places: Discovery Park
The weather was like 60 and sunny all weekend so we had to enjoy it right?! LOVELY views up above Puget Sound, and the hike was nice exercise for us all:-)
We took MANY pics . . . here are a few:-)

Then off to the In-laws for pastries from Bakery Neavou (AMAZING! In West Seattle . . . seriously they are to die for)

Then home to our hammock in the sun for some reading/cuddling time.

Finally to finish our day . . . off to our FAVE place, George and the Dragon.  This super fun English Pub in Seattle.  We're HUGE English Soccer (futbol) fans and have been going here since we first met;-) Awwww. Ha ha.

Mmmm Strongbow (cider, our fave.  If you haven't tried it, DO!)

*Gym again (on a roll!)

*A few hours of gardening/yard work
(I hate when I start this b/c then all I think about is everything I need to do! Yikes . . . having a decent yard is hard work lemme tell ya.  Fun but time-consuming.

*Doubles Tennis match with our friend Chris and his girl.  All I can sayis we had a blast, a great workout and lots'a laughs.  We haven't played on a team yet and my hubby is a ball hog lol.  We came SOoooo close but lost ;-(

Ummmm yeah how cool is it that the 2010 Winter Olympics are like 3 hours away?!  I know what you're thinking, and no we didn't make it to any games:-( BUT we hung out, ate, went to Stanley Park, shopped on Robson Street, and saw the whole town decked out in red and white!
So glad Andy took the day off, thanks sweets!!!

Here's a crazy amount of photos, sorry!
left at 7 am
The Canadians are so proud, GO CANADA!!!
The torch is above his head hee hee
I think Curling is purdy cool:-)
Shopping at Zara:-) (Pssst . . . that's my car no worries my booty's not scratching anyone's car)
AND that concludes our "us only" weekend

Now off to watch the Bachelor . . . Girls' Tell All I can't miss it:-)I wanna hear about this

I will catch up on blog reads tomorrow after work, I promise!

HAPPY MONDAY to you all!
I want to hear about your weekend too

~Tamara Nicole~