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What?! Beautiful Blogger Award, hollar!!!

Beautiful Blogger Award

What?! How very exciting, my new blog for only a month and my VERY first award!!! You don't even KNOW how excited I am!!!

Ok so enough crazy-girl time:-)

So a HUGE thank you to Cali Bird at Passion Bird.

FYI I totally heart your blog as well!

So . . .
The tag along with this award is to list 7 things about myself that you may or may not know.

1. I am the oldest girl in 6 kids!!! My oldest (and only) brother Brian is 28, and my youngest sis Annie is only 10! Some people think she's my daughter, which I guess I could understand these days (she was born when I was 16?!)

2. When I was around 16-ish I dabbled into a lil modeling, and did a fashion/hair show as a "half-head" (poor me it's where you go almost a week with half of your hair dyed and the other half normal!).  I also did a mannequin modeling gig at Express, where you stand there for EVER and aren't supposed to move when people just come look at you and try to make you smile.  Good times huh?! Yup that ended when they said at 120 lbs and 5'9" that I needed to lose weight!


3. Although I am a TOTAL girly girl, I used to be a tomboy growing up . . . I'd play outside with my brother and his friends, catching snakes, making forts, and digging holes.  I'd always have dirt all over me ha ha! People don't believe me when I tell them this!!!


4. So I embrace and love my red hair now, BUT I used to tell my mom growing up that I wish I was a different ethnicity.  I didn't like that my hair was different than everyone else. I wished I didn't have all these freckles and could actually get a tan! Ha ha.  I'm ok being pale now, I'll just have no wrinkles when everyone else does hee hee.


5.  Ummmm . . . shhhh don't tell.  BUT  I was a REALLY bad driver when I got my license at 16 . . . I was put on "driving probation" after getting 4 speeding tickets in a year.  I blame it on my car (Mitsubishi Eclipse- I paid for fully on my own!) AND my bad driving example from my then-current BF.  Now yes I have learned my lesson, you gotta watch out for those cops! Lol


6.  Going back to the pale thing, I will never go tan in a booth (had a badddd mole removed on back, will never do that again!).  I WILL however sport a mystic tan here and there:-)


7.  I am dethly scared of spiders.  Seriously when I was young I'd have nightmares about them.  One time I dreamt that there was one in my bed so I went to get my daddy. . . and low and behold there WAS one!!! A nasty lil black thing and I've never been able to get over this dumb fear.  One thing my hubby will make fun of me for! Lol
~Soooooooo there's some things for ya'll~
Now I nominate:
(Sorry for those who I didn't, I wish I could do more!!!)
Have a LOVELY day ladies!!!