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~My Very First GIVEAWAY~

Ok ladies!!!

I've only had this blog for about a month, BUT I wanted to do a
from my very own Etsy shop
to thank you all for being so sweet, encouraging, and inspiring! I love to read all of your blogs, and hope that mine is somewhat interesting :-)

Sooooo this frame has received a lot of attention, and a few sales so far:-)

~TO WIN this frame~

I'm a deep philosophical person (at times) and am always thinking about purpose, choices, and where my passion lies and what to do with all of this:-)

~So to enter~

1) Tell me what you feel your purpose is in life
Can be anything from make people laugh, or save the world lol.  Share share share!

2) Get an extra entry by following my blog
For newbies and the oldie but goodies!

3) AND another entry by blogging about this giveaway!!!
Make sure to come back and let me know!
Help me get more exposure since I'm all new and whatnot:-)

ENDS Monday Febuary 15th!!!

Ok now for my

1. She Found Herself a Nice Spot to Read, 2. Romantic bench at Lismore Gardens, Ireland, 3. Pin your wings down... *explored*, 4. The Wall, 5. Feeling Just Dandelion, 6. A Yellow Bird Upon a Fountain, 7. Enchanted Garden bird cage centrepiece, 8. Gate to the Enchanted Flower Garden, 9. Dahlia, 10. String of hearts, 11. What's down there?, 12. a girl with a seagull camera...(2/2), 13. The Heart Swells with New Growth14. Not available15. Not available16. Not available

Now I looooooove to garden!
Especially when it's sunny and quiet outside, with the birds chirping.
Even pulling weeds, there's just something calming and therapuetic about it.

Sooooo with that said, even though it's COLD outside I'm off to plant Spring bulbs and our flowers we just bought to brighten things up.  
 It's so nice to see the tulips and daffodils start to sprout:-)

 Hope you all have a LOVELY Monday!!!

~Tamara Nicole~