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You Dazzle Girl Blog Award!!!

Awww . . . my 2nd blog award!!!

I'm pretty darn excited, considering my blog's only been here less than 2 months?!


First off I'd like to thank my fans . . .

Ha ha just being silly, but truly my readers are AMAZING!!!

I look forward to your sweet, inspiring and encouraging comments daily.

I'm addicted to them actually.

So keep them coming lovely ladies (and gents!!!)

This was awarded by my blog friend Tuesdai
whose blog is super cute and funny, chk her out!

So in turn I want to pass this on to:

Seriously Lovely blogs!!!

Happy Saturday!!!

"I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels.
Life's a bitch.
You've got to go out and kick ass."

~Maya Angelou