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Weekend in review :-)

Ok first and foremost I want to give a big shoutout to New Orleans!!!
Ok so I didn't really care who won this year, it was a toss up and I would be happy either way, both GREAT teams
BUT my hubby and I had a bet, I picked the Saints to win,

SO I WIN!!!!

Hee hee
and how stinkin cute is Drew Brees celebrating with his family?!

Ok so here's a quick breakdown of my amazingly happy relaxing weekend:

*On of my *besties* Melissa had her baby!!!*
 Timothy Xavier Brown Jr. was born Wed Feb. 3rd, coming in a week late and at 7 lbs. 9 oz. 
Although we're not quite at the point in our marriage to have our own,
I sure love being "Auntie Tammy"!!!

*My In-Laws are the best!!!*
Just sayin! Sooo I get home Friday after a LONG day at work to a gift . . .

Yup Andy's parents are stinking cute, always thinking about me and spoiling me, which I am not used to.  But I'll take it! Lol they are the cutest lil couple ever, we love to be around them and it's so cute how they still are so in love after 35 + some odd years of marriage.

Anywho I LOVE this bag, from Aldos

Nowwww I need this dress from Forever 21 to rock with the purse:-)

Tooo bad it's not warm and summery outside yet.  Oh well I'll just have to throw on a jacket right?  :-)

*I planned a Girl's Breakfast and movie date for Saturday*

It was a blast and sooo fun to get together.  Since we're all grown it seems like these events don't occur often enough! So we went to breakfast
bright and early at Pesos downtown Seattle.  Yum yum.  Many yummy plates were eaten, coffee and *mimosas* drank, stories told, and good times had.  And OF COURSE lots of laughter:-)


then we went to go see "Dear John".  I admire Nicholas Sparks for his amazing writing skills.  I've read many of his books and
"he's got mad skillz"

Anyway so the movie was cute, but wtf about the ending?  Not going to ruin it for ya'll . . .
 but I decided to make up my own ending to satisfy my fairy tale thinking:-)

*Andy, Toby, Capri and I went to take a nice scenic walk through Discovery Park* 
 One of our fave parks (we even had our engagement photos here! More on that in another post) and the view was gorgeous.  Clouds with a little sunshine.  Lovely!

Andy and I had our weekly "date night", and went to our fave Sushi place.  I just LOVE the conveyer belt sushi b/c you can taste anything and everything you want.  We just keep on grabbing plates and eatting until we can't look at sushi anymore. 
GREAT for my fitness challenge!

***Also did LOTS of crafts, went to gym 2x, watched football, and just cuddled in with the hubby***

How was your weekend?! Hope you all had a blasty blast!

~Tamara Nicole~

P.S. Tomorrow's my first GIVEAWAY!!! From my very own Etsy shop in celebration of passing 100 sales (see earlier post)