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~Let there be light~

Soooooo let's talk about my "relaxing" weekend! Hee hee . . . yup of course . . . it didn't happen!!!

Let me tell you something about my husband and myself.  We're crazy!! Lol can't sit still.  If my hubby has anything on his "to do" list, he's go go go until it's all done.  I'm the same way. Hey at least we're not lazy right?!

So give us a weekend without plans . . .
 it's PROJECT time!!!

This weekends project:

Let there be prettier lighting!!!

So that means 4 trips to Home Depot, lots of cleaning and painting and working hard.  We finally replaced our old-school I-dunno-when-they-were-installed ceiling lights with a more modern look that actually matches our decor, AND a nice pretty chandelier to sit above our dinning table. 

What a difference it makes!!! 

Although I didn't get my romantic amazing crystal chandelier

(ok maybe 'cause it would cost like $2000 . . .) we got these

and this

I LOVE it! It's the little things you can do in your home to spice it up and make it new and exciting.  AND not to mention a good arm workout holding it up above your head screwing it in, etc. 
(Yes I'm a good little wifey and like to help with the manly projects, even if I break a nail!)

Other fun weekend times:

***Friday night the hubster and I went on a date night***
 to Elliot's Oyster House on the Pier downtown Seattle, YUM YUM YUM! We started out with THE BEST dungeness crab cakes ever, he had a beer and I had an amazing margarita.  Then clam chowder.  Followed by ouir main courses: he had the salmon special, and I had pan fried oysters.  We finished up with another round of drinks and left Soooooo full it was funny.  So if you're ever in Seattle you should check it out.  Not too fancy, but be ready to spend $$$ for an amazing meal!

Now they say oysters are an afrodisiac . . . I'm just sayin'!!!

***Saturday night***
I made candle lit Tapas and Sangria for us, it was sooooo romantic. More on this tomorrow!!!

***Sunday Night***
Dinner at the In-laws

A weekend of hubby time, yummy food, eating, gaining weight (let's hope not!! 1st measurement-in for my challenge is Sunday), and home improvement time, wooo hooo!

What did all of you lovely ladies do??!! I wanna hear about it even though it's Tues :-)

~Tamara Nicole~

P.S. I got my hair did!!! Photos soon:-)

P.S.S. Hit the gym 2 times so far this week, upping the running to help eliminate the muffin-top!!!