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Ohhhh Happy Friday!!!!!

Just a quick wish to all my lovely bloggers to have a FABULOUS weekend!
photo on Flickr by AnnuskA - AnnA Theodora

I hope you all have somthing lovely planned, and if not, enjoy your free time and

do something for you

~A bubble bath with a nice glass of wine~
~A long walk with the love of your life~
~Read that book you've been putting off~
~Go try a new restuarant~
~Or just kick back and watch a nice chick flick~

Ohhhh wait and durrrr . . .
Watch the Super Bowl!!!!

Other AMAZINGLY awesome news (well at least for me!):

***I'm Past 100 sales in my Etsy shop***
It happened last night to a lady in Greece! Soooooo very excited:-)
Soooooo my very first give-away as promised from my shop will be posted on Monday!!!

Recent sales:

Happy Happy Friday!!!

I'd love to hear what you all are up to!!!

~Tamara Nicole~