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Ode to Lovely Friday . . . and updates

My Talking Bird

Originally uploaded by Little Miss Sunshine.

~Ode to Lovely Friday~

I am sooo very very glad you have arrived yet again. 
I look forward to you every week with anticipation and excitement.
Thanks for always being there for me Fridays!!!!

I hope you all have some good times planned for your weekend, as well as some sweet much-needed and deserved relaxing time:-)

I have been looking forward to today for a while
. . . Yeah . . .
so what if I only work 4 days a week, I work hard and long hours:-)
Today was a bonus day off and MUCH much needed!

The sun is shining brightly outside, and seriously there is a bird chirping right outside my window. AND I'm getting a lot done with my lil side business today
(which is much needed too lol).

I thought I would throw in some updates from former blog posts.  I know I can be all over the place and start a million projects at once! Ha ha my hubby teases me all the time about this.  It's because I want to do EVERYTHING and get so excited about things.

Silly silly girl I am:-)

So you guys inspire me to keep it all going!  Some of you lovely ladies have commented on these topics and it's only fair to my readers to keep it up:-)
(Thanks to all of my followers you guys ROCK!!!)

I wasn't trying to just lose pounds, that's not important to me.  What I wanted to do was once and for all get rid of the Muffin Top that I've been carrying and hiding for ever it seems like:-) AND just get toned and develope great healthy habits.

Update: I have been hitting the gym FOUR TIMES a week (applause)
and am feeling fantabulous.  Also I try to get in small ab workouts every night. I've lost my holiday weight finally, BUT only like 1/4 inch out of the 2 inches I want to lose of my belly.  It's a process right? My problemo: SUGAR!
It's evil and addicting and I crave sweets like you wouldn't believe :-) I'm keeping on strong though, and will keep you guys posted (soon with some fabulous side ab workouts I've picked up! Also a great detox plan that helped me lose my icky added weight before)

To help and inspire me: any tips from you ladies???? 

I have snagged a few random items:

AND will post my Spring clothing/accessories wishlist next week!

***If you love Forever21 (cheap and cute)


You'll LOVE Go Jane***

Seriously crazy cheap, free shipping over $50 purchase, cute cute chk it out!!!
(My lovely friend Bekah found it: chk out her cute brand-spankin new blog, she's an AMAZING photographer and will be doing a shoot with me soon)

~Recent Sales~
I posted here about sending my items to 2 stores! Sooo I'm about to ship like 30 items out to my 1st TWO RETAIL LOCATIONS!!! Soooo excited! So they will now be avaiable in a retail store in Florida and Pennsylvania

(can you tell?)
Other recent online sales:

So with that I leave you to whatever fun things you have planned this weekend!!!

Happy Happy Friday!

~Tamara Nicole~