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Spring Inspiration

Bring on SPRING!!!

Seriously, I'm sooooo ready! I know it's only February, and most people back east have been experiencing a lot of snow, etc. but I'm TOTALLY pumped for Spring!

So I just ordered a few bright necessary items:
 Spring Clothes, shoes (Have I told you all I have a major shoe addiction?????) 

(Will post some lovely photos soon!)

When I work on my craft items, it always helps to have some nice inspiration! So . . .  using this mosaic I will be working on my new Spring Line for Memory Bean Designs . . . so stay tuned! :-) Cutesy turquoise, pinks, yellows and greens inspired by a Spring Garden . . .

Happy Wednesday!

P.S. Call me silly but I can't wait to see who the top 24 are for American Idol tonight:-) We're old married people and we have our shows we watch weekly. Cheesy? Yes but we love it!!!