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We have a WINNER!!! And my weekend in review:-)

AND . . .

(drum roll . . .)

AND . . .


So to collect on this:
email me your addy @ memorybeandesigns@yahoo.com

Ok I HAD to pick 2 winners!!!

I wish I could pick all of you!!!
(I'm a major softy . . . during the Superbowl I wanted both teams to win, I don't want any losers . . . ever!)

So I randomly drew one (the old pull-a-name-out-of-a-bowl dealy).
Yeah Meg!!!
Yes they all are amazing answers and I am so happy and honored for you all to share with me your "purpose".
 I had to pick an answer that is similar to part of my purpose and passion in life:

Jennifer's comment:
 "My life purpose I believe is to spread joy and uplift people through the things that move my spirit- writing, photography and sharing the SIMPLE things to hopefully inspire others to relish in the same! If I can change the life of one person to bring happiness then thats enough!"

Love it! So both of these ladies have GREAT blogs, very cute and inspiring, chk them out!

As for the next give-away I'm going to do them once a month for now until things get going more . . .

***So stay tuned . . . coming March 1st is another fun give-away***

Ok ok so on with my busy busy weekend:


Delivered some Valentine's gifts to my girls:
(I made 16 of them! Here's just a few)
We celebrated Valentine's early with a "date night" to a show at the High Dive here in Fremont!!!

We had a BLAST! (and some yummy drinks)

It was soooo funny b/c in the beginning there was a TON of older people
 (no offense at all! But we were like the youngest people there for a min!)
Then we realized . . . Durrrrrrr!!! One of the opening acts was . . .

. . . American Idol a few years ago!!! 
All the ladies were there to hear him sing Hallelujah. 
Funny funny.  So after he was done than all the older crowd left,

and on came one of our newly discovered faves:
Caitlin Crosby
She's super cute, and I love her voice!

(She also has this amazing website:
AND THEN comes
 Matt Hires
who my hubby and I can't stop listening to. 
He's actually super good, why are these people not big yet?! (besides Castro- he's ok)

We bummed around for most of the day. 
Then we went out to this
Italian restaurant downtown seattle
Mama Malena's
with Andy's parents, aunt and uncle.  We had a great time!  The ambiance in there was amazing, dimly lit with candles everywhere, with a piano playing in the background, lots of people and YUMMY food.

Valentine's Day!!!
Andy bought me my favorite flowers Gerber Daisies!!!
We had a nice cozy Valentine's with a romantic picnic dinner of hor'devours, some vino and a great movie.
Awwwww! Ha ha

Whew and this brings us to today.  Sorry so long guys!!! You know me I just always have lots to say:-)
Today we also took it pretty chill, ran some errands, did some cleanign around the house.  We also decided to take the doggies on a hike to celebrate
Awww my lil Princess Westie is 3!!!

I'm thinking she gets ice cream tonight too :-)

Soooo that's our weekend, pretty chill but fun fun.

Off to watch 
*The Bachelor*
(A guilty pleasure of ours!)

Where did this past Valentine's weekend find you?!
Hope you all have a great week!!!

~Tamara Nicole~