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Happy Valentine's Day all my LOVELY LADIES!!!

I hope you all have a fantabulous weekend with the ones you love!!!

This weekend I challenge you to:
Go that extra little step to show your loved ones you care.

*Make an unexpected phone call*
*Send out an actual card in the mail!*
*Drop off a surprise treat*
*Give lots of hugs*
*Open the door for a stranger, make eye contact and smile*

Happy Friday!!!
Have a great weekend and

Oh how I love love!!!

Some of my fave cute "love" quotes:

"We were given: Two hands to hold. Two legs to walk. Two eyes to see. Two ears to listen. But why only one heart? Because the other was given to someone else. For us to find."


"When you are in Love you can't fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams."

~Dr Seuss~
"The best thing about me is you."

~Shannon Crown~

"If you love someone you would be willing to give up everything for them, but if they loved you back they'd never ask you to."


"Love - a wildly misunderstood although highly desirable malfunction of the heart which weakens the brain, causes eyes to sparkle, cheeks to glow, blood pressure to rise and the lips to pucker."


"In my wildest dreams, you always play the hero. In my darkest hour of night, you rescue me, you save my life."

~Bliss and Cerney~

"... See there's this place in me where your fingerprints still rest, your kisses still linger, and your whispers softly echo. It's the place where a part of you will forever be a part of me."

~Gretchen Kemp~

"If I could reach up and hold a star for every time you made me smile, I would have the whole night sky in the palm of my hand."


"The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman's heart."

~Josiah G. Holland~

XOXO Tamara Nicole

P.S. what are ya'll's plans????