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Happy Friday!!!

Originally uploaded by Jonathan Ray Photography

The sun is shining and it looks LOVELY outside!!!

Hope you all have some fun things brewing this weekend!!!

My weekend:
*Bro in law is visiting from Luxembourg! Sooo excited he's super nice and we're having family time all weekend. Yum yum food!*

*Eating at Elliots Oyster House (mmmm crab cakes and margaritas!!!)*

*Catching up on crafty orders*

*Watching a futbol game live at our Pub! With a strongbow:-) Date morning?  Lol*

*Playing around with photography and my borrowed tripod*

*Talking my sis into letting me watch my niece for a lil bit . . . adorable! I love being auntie!!!*

*Possibly . . . yes VERY slight possibility I will be checking out Westies from the California Westie Rescue online . . . more info soon!!!*

Tell me what lovelies you have planned this weekend!!!


Tamara Nicole