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Happy Monday to you all!

I don't know if I told ya'll . . .

(and you may think I'm crazy)

Monday is my favorite day!

I feel guilty saying so . . . the weekends are amazing and quite fun with the hubby, family, friends, many activities etc.
Monday is my day . . . all to my self! My life is so hectic with:

*My full time day job*
*My other full time job with Memory Bean Designs (which is picking up!)*
*Coaching my softball team- starting soon!!!*
*Being the planner and event coordinator of my family and relatives*
*Having a great, huge group of friends*
*My perfect husband, we're crazy when we're together b/c we want to do everything and it's sometimes hard to relax*

Anywho . . .

Today is my day!
No expectations
 No plans
 Just me.
Free to do whatever I want.