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Let's go to France!

Revenons à la France!
(Let's go to France!)

J'aime tout ce français !
(I love anything and everything French!)

Ok seriously, Bing Translator is amazing!!!

I just got 2 "learn to speak French on cd" kits from the lovely library.  Two months and counting for our trip to France, Italy, Brussels, Spain, etc!

Je ne peux pas attendre !

So I will be learning French while I drive my 50 mins a day commute.  Might as well maximize my time, right?! Also I have a workbook.  I WILL find time to learn this!  Who doesn't love French?! How beautiful and romantic:-)

Now I am going to add French to my repertoire . . . along with Spanish from high school, and Vietnamese in college:-) 

Andy and I went to Paris on or first big trip together before we were even engaged:-) He planned this amazing trip to London, Paris and Rome.  AMAZING!

It was my first trip to Europe, and I'm hooked:-)

Traveling with someone is a great way to really get to know someone, let me tell ya! Fortunately Andy adn I make great travel partners, we both love to walk like 12 miles a day and see EVERYTHING! Love it!

Mmmmm Crepe under the Eiffel Tower?! Perfection.

Back almost 2 years ago! Versailles

Voici certains éléments de grande décoration maison française sur Etsy
(Here are some great French home decor items on Etsy)








Lundi heureux !

~Tamara Nicole~

P.S. I just got a FOURTH store wanting to sell my Memory Bean Designs items!!!
Sooo excited more info soon:-)