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To Westie or not to Westie?! Award and Treasury fun

Hi-ya all my fabulous peeps!!!

Hope this gorgeous day finds you all CHIPPER and Smiling:-)
(Ha ha like how I smile and it strains my neck?! HOT!)

~A few lovelies at the moment~

*Blog Award*
The adorable and fabulous Urban Mermaid awarded me with this!
Awww thanks girly!!! So first and forememost if you haven't checked out her blog do it!
The rules:

*Post the award on your blog*

*Link the person who has given you the award*

*Pass the award to 15 other blogs you’ve discovered*

*Remember to contact the bloggers you’ve nominated*

And now in my turn I would like to pass it to these fab blogs:

My item from my Etsy shop is in this treasury

Chk it out yo!!! Lol
*To Westie or not to Westie*

I need your advice, dog lovers and non-lovers alike!!!
Sooooo in my post last Friday I lightly mentioned checking out the
Westie Rescue of California
site . . . I'm itching for a new dog!!!

How could you say no to their cute faces?!
Bon Bon

We have two ADORABLE lil Westies who make us very happy
and they are our little kiddos right now.
We take great care of them (or at least I like to think lol).
Morning and night walks.
We ahve a fenced yard that they run around all crazy chasing squirrels and each other.
We take them to the off leash dog park every weekend.
We feed them super nice food.
(they have allergies! So not cheap, they eat better than we do!)
I don't know how we could be better dog owners???

Soooo . . .
 I was thinking instead of donating $ here and there to help the Westie Rescue Center
why not adopt one?!
We already have 2, what's another one?

BUT I think this all is possibly a "motherly" instinct kinda thing?!
(that's even what my mom-in-law said!)

We're on a plan right?!

We've only been married for a year and a half,
want to take a few more lovely vaca's,
travel the world,
enjoy each other,
and save moolah $$$ before we have kids in maybe 2 years ish?

Anywho so that's where I am at, and would LOVE advice from all of you. 
Would 3 dogs be too much? 
I know we can have the new one trained by the time I am home with my babies, BUT 3 high maintenance dogs and a newborn, too much for me by myself during the day?
I like to think I'm tough and can handle it all, but if anyone out there has experience please share!!!

Cause I want a baby (puppy!)