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Second Giveaway!!!

I hope you all had a great weekend!
I sure did, busy busy and full of lots of visiting with my peeps:-)
More on that soon!

So without further ado . . . As promised . . .


Your choice of a 8x10 fine art photograph
A set of 5 Greeting Cards (your choice)


~To win~

1) Tell me your dream vacation: Location, with whom, and what would you do???

2) Go to the website and tell me which photo you love the bestest:-) (1 entry)

3) Follow me!!! If you already are a follower it still counts, just mention it in your comment.  Also if you are a newby tell me (1 entry)

4)  Blog about this giveaway and share the link in a comment (1 entry)

Winner will be announced on Monday the 8th

***Reason 1***

We LOVE to travel and share our travels and experiences with others :-)

***Reason 2***

We're going on VACATION in 2 months!!! I'm counting down the days, seriously we have a countdown on our desktop:-)
Among other things, I get to finally meet my niece and nephew in Luxembourg!

Also going:


Nice, France


Amalfi Coast


Eze in La Cote D'Azure France

Rome, Italy

Sorrento, Italy

Florence, Italy

Soooooo excited, and I feel blessed to be able to go on such a trip with my hubby, the best travelign partner ever! 
*Ok if ya'll don't have a mileage cc, get one!!!
We have been racking up our miles on our CC and
saving saving saving!!!*

Anywho (be still my heart!) . . .

***Reason 3***

"Operation Snail Mail"
 . . .
 . . .

More info tomorrow! Ha ha I'm so bad huh? :-)

Have a great night ladies and gents!!!

 Can't wait to see the results of the Bachelor. 
TOTALLY addicted and psyched to see what happens:-)

Hmmmmm . . .

Vienna . . .

Or . . . Tenley

Nighty night!!!

~Tamara Nicole~