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Makeup and me :-)

Ok seriously a HUGE M.A.C. makeup fan here. 
For years!
They have the BEST eyeshadow in the world. 
LURVE all of the purdy colors. 
I mix and match like 3-4 colors daily, fun times!
Any others out there?  Let's start a 12 step program!

Anywho I have like twenty or more, but my faves are:



MY FAVE!!! Retrospeck

Ok and a BIG fan of dark purples now for smokey eyes (plum dressing and trax)

AMAZING! Put it under your eyeshadows, and it lasts forever:-)
Lip glass in "posh it up"

AND they have a new line "Liberty of London"

with some fun colors, oooh can't wait!!!

OK now for the important stuff:-)

Soooo I'm a bad bad girl . . .
One of "THOSE" girls, and would do my makeup while driving to work!!!
(Don't judge!)

EVERY day.

For years!

Sooo bad.  I guess I just was always busy busy busy.  It started when I was in college AND working full time. 
There was never enough time! AND my commutes were long so I tried to "maximize" my time. 
And then it just turned into a habit.  I thought I was a great driver and could multi-task just fine.

I'm a changed woman starting this last Monday
thanks to this article in Women's Health from this March
(btw HUGE fan of this mag! Amazing!)

So the article is called "Driven to Distraction"
(if you have a few minutes you should read it!)

*Your brain activity decreases by 50% when a driver is distraced*
*car crashes are the leading cause of accidental death among otherwise healthy young women*
*Up to 56% of all fatal crashes have involved distraction*

"Why do so many intelligent health-conscious women risk injury or death  by multi-tasking at 60 mph?"!

(photo from Flickr Claudio Capucho)

I'm not alone:
*One in five women say they beautify in the driver's seat*

It all boils down to this:

"It might help to take a look at your life and ask yourself if you're
REALLY so over-scheduled
that you need to eat, PRIMP, and live your entire life in your car
"You have to prioritize"
And that just might prove to be a good thing on and off the road"

So next time you text, eat that burger (ew lol), or put on your eyeliner in the car . . .
remember that you're not invincible.
Time to be responsible:-)

If I can do it, you can:-)

Happy day-before Friday!!!

~Tamara Nicole~