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Awww Lovely Monday Monday!!!

I just want to forworn you now . . .
this post will be sunshine and rainbows . . .
so be prepared for some
major cheese!

Because . . .

I just got back from an amazing hour of heaven!

Ok so it was a facial at the Salish Lodge and Spa, but pretty close to being in heaven b/c it was FABULOUS!
I feel sooo energized and ready to conquer the world. 
See what a little pampering can do?!

(Hubby's not too happy about the cost of afore-mentioned heaven)

How could this view not
add to the wonderful-ness?!

I just love living out here!

Anywho now on to my

~Weekend in Review~

Yup my alma-mater UW won their game, and it was a FAB game. 
Now onto the sweet 16.

Isaiah Thomas- photo from here

Gooooooo Dawgs!!!!

***A quick hello and goodbye from my bro in law***

(The boys: Ted and my hubster)

Ted (bro in law) visited us this weekend ALL THE WAY FROM Luxembourg!!!

It was soooo good to see him! We haven't seen him since our wedding, 18 months ago!

So we ate, ate and ate some more all weekend.  Luckily I gained no weight, wooo hoo! Lol

Friday night we went to Andy's parents for a gourmet dinner ala his mom.  We laughed so much we cried, and lost track of time.  Didn't leave until 10 p.m. but had a blast!!!

Saturday eve we went to Elliot's Oyster House.  Another fun night of eating, and mmmmm their Pier Margarita is yum yum yum!

Sunday we went to take him to the airport and went to our fave bakery Bakery Nouveau.  OMG.
Their twice baked chocolate croissant. Another piece of heaven. 
Every time we go there there is a line outside the door, never fail! AND they have won many awards.  Soooo if you're ever in Seattle seriously worth checking out.
Anywho it was sooo good to see him, and we leave in
~48 days~
but who's counting?! Get to finally meet my niece and nephew and trvel around Europe, woo hoo!

***Friend's Birthday***
 Happy belated 30th Chris!!!
Went out and hit the town

(kinda dorky kissy face?!)

***Life's a walk in the park***
Ok so ya'll know we don't have babies yet . . . so our 2 lil Westies are our children! We LURVE to take them on walks esp.  when the weather's super nice:-)

Here's some pics from our walk around the Bellevue Blueberry Farm and Larson Lake from Sat morning, after our trip to McDonald's for the dogs

(ok and actually I was a coffee snob at first, BUT their's is:
 1) cheaper 2) Less calories and 3) actually good!!!)

Hope you all have a FANTABULOUS Monday!!!!

P.S. my newest addition to Memory Bean Designs Etsy Shop:

Lavendar Gardens Wall Hook Set
(AND lots more coming soon, sheesh I've been a mad working woman!)