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Weeekend of dreaming . . .

~Dreaming of spring and summer dresses~
Ha ha . . . soooo my lovely hubby just informed me he wants me to get more patterned dresses. 
Kinda random
but I'm girly and love dresses so I totally am game:-)

 We started looking online and it's funny how our tastes vary!
So I decided that I'm here to educate him on what is cute (and what def. is not!)
See I'm a good wifey by helping him out right?  LoL

Anyway so that, combined with the GORGEOUS weather outside, has me thinking and dreaming dresses . . .

What I wore today:

and dresses I'm dreaming off . . .

Oooh and this necklace to go with of course:-)

Any ideas of other stores to find some super cute, soft, girly spring/summer dresses???
Help a girl out:-)

~Dreaming of our next Westie~
Ha ha ok if you didn't read my "To Westie or Not to Westie" do it here and you'll know what I'm talking about here:-)

So after a ton of feedback from ya'll . . .

(THANK YOU! You guys rock and that's why I lurve ya'll)
 The votes were:

To Westie! : Fifteen yes ma'ams

To Not Westie and enjoy your life! : Five no's

Foster! : Uno . . .Mrs In Training you're too cute!

So again thank you all for all of your stories and feedback!
I sure do love these fur balls

And my hubby and I have been in deep discussion about this . . .
and have decided . . .
dum . . . dum . . dum . . .
To wait! Lol at least until after getting back from vaca
 (leaving in like 40 days! Who's counting tho?)
and then we will talk about it again and maybe go down there and check all those adorable dogs out
BUT I'm thinking we're both leaning towards
I will let you all know our decision then. 
At least then if we get one I can take a little time off of the 9-5 and get it aquainted, etc. 
(because a baby isn't in our plans for 2-ish years?)
(Travel travel travel and save save save ya know . . . ha ha at the same time???)

~Dreaming of Cute cards and Operation Snail Mail~

I got my first return "snail mail"!!!

So thanks Diana!!!!

 I absoltely LOVED it, esp the super cute photo of Paris (sigh)

Also just sent out a few more fabulous cards to people . . .

If you don't know what I'm talking about read this blog entry:-)

Have a fantabulous rest of your weekend!!!

What have you been dreaming about as of late?

~Tamara Nicole~

P.S. Don't forget some dress advice:-)