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"Operation Snail Mail"

"146/365 send me your love in my mail box" Gibson Claire McGuire Regester

Ok now who can say that they don't get SUPER excited when they get an actual letter or card from someone in the mail?!
  Nope we're not talking all that junk mail that fills your mailbox each day.  I'm talking about those
super rare
actual hand-written letters from a friend or family member. 
And even better . . .
a card just because!
But these days they are so few and far in-between.  So what I am challenging myself

***And all of you***

Is to help spread a little happiness with a little note, cute card, or letter.

AND have you heard that the postal service is possibly going to cut back and not work Saturdays?!
Not ok. 
Let's keep them in business so when we order fun lovelies online we can get it FASTER.
Keep them employed, AND spread some joy:-)

So what I am going to do is "Operation Snail Mail"
I am going to start sending out cute cards to friends and family, and in that envelope I will send them another cute card that they can use to pass on to someone else to keep it going.

Let's re-connect with people on a more personal level than just email and text.  This is one thing that is missing in the world

Show some old school love!!! 

~Send Snail Mail~

To get this jump started . . . for this week if you email me your addy (memorybeandesigns@yahoo.com)
 I'll send you some snail mail love!!!
(and I promise you won't be added to any mailing lists, etc.)

By simply hue


Enter my giveaway here to win a set of 5 greeting cards of your choosing from

Who doesn't love free lovelies?!

Have a great day my peeps!!!

~Tamara Nicole~