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Happy Friday!!!

Dos Flores
Originally uploaded by lorenzodom

Happy Happy Friday ladies (and gents)!!!

What are your plans this weekend?

**Birthday bash tonight in Seattle***
***Crafts! Etsy's been busy!***
***Date night with the hubby***
***Practicing Photography***

Oooh I got a nice shout-out from my lovely blog friend Nikosmommy

Have an amazing weekend!!!

~Tamara Nicole~

P.S. UGH!!!!
is anyone just flabbergasted by Amercian Idol's show last night?!
I mean
 I'm soooo sad.  I really thought Alex and Lilly were amazing. 
 I was so mad I told my hubby I was never watching Idol again lol. 

Why didn't Paige and Aaron go home? 

Oh well:-)

P.S.S. I just needed some sunshine brightness with the yellow photos, hope you likey!