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My New "Wellies", Awards, Updates

Ha ha ok I'm sooo out of the"know", and didn't know what everyone was referring to as "wellies" on my rain boot post. 
NOW I know lol, guess I've been out of the loop:-)

So after much deliberation
(and the fact that ALL the red/white polka dot ones are still sold out . . . boo!)
 and all of your
lovely opinions
 on this post
 . . .
I chose THESE:
(Thank you to Nikosmommy, Alicia, Nikki!!! Ya'll have some good style there!)

So they ship out today and will arrive on my doorstep soon, can't wait! Perfect for dog park trips, and prancing around in the rain.  Who knows maybe some
puddle stompin?!

Why do kids get all the fun huh?!


my lovely blog friend Juicy J from "Lace and Leather"
awarded me with the
*Sunshine Award*
This lovely award is for all those sweet blogs that inspire us everyday...

Here are the rules for accepting this award:

1. Put the logo on your blog or within your post.

2. Pass the award on to 12 bloggers.

3. Link to the nominees within your post.

4. Let them know they received this award by commenting on their blog.

5. Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.

So 12 of my lovely ladies that inspire me on a regular basis:

*Design is Mine, Isn't it Lovely?
*Amber Housley: The Sweet Life
*Sunshine and Sprinkles
*A Reflection by Tuesdai
*A Blonde Ambition
*Jennifer Fabulous
*Life is Bananas
*Step Inside . . .
*Moon Face
*It's Simple Love
*Le Musings of Moi
*Jeans Friday

These are some AMAZING and inspiring blogs, seriously cheeck them out:-)

***Operation Snail Mail***
In full effect! Just sent out 5 cards to some wonderful blog ladies, and went to this SUPER cute boutique by my work and bought like 20 fun girly cards.  To join in chk out info HERE

A fun quote from one of my new cards:

"Go for long walks, indulge in hot baths, question your assumptions, be kind to yourself, live for the moment, loosen up, scream, curse the world, count your blessings, just let go, just be"

(Carol Shields)

Still open until Monday, don't forget!
Who doesn't love FREE?!
Enter here

***Memory Bean Designs***
Ok I've been crazy busy . . . and it's so so nice to see my creations adored and used! Makes the hard work to get a "bi-niss" going when I see things like this.  Chk out Olga's blog "Vintage Pretty".  Super cute blog, thsi girl's got style.  ALSO chk out that frame in the first photo.  Yup I made that and it's up in someone's house and they love it.  Awww I'm all smiles right now

Have a FANTABULOUS weekend my dears!!!